A Professional Organizer Is Like A Personal Trainer
Getting and staying organized is a lot like losing weight and maintaining a certain size. It doesn’t happen overnight. You can’t fix 20 years of gaining weight with 1 day of dieting and exercising. Rather, you may need to be in a caloric deficit for 20 months.
The same goes for decluttering and organizing. You can’t take 30 years of accumulations and downsize into a tiny home in one day. Rather, you may need to dedicate 30 days toward decluttering, donating, digitizing, categorizing and reorganizing. Depending on your starting stage and your end goal, this can mean a lot of physical and mental work for you.
That’s why there are professional organizers like myself to help you go through the whole process. Like a personal trainer and dietician, I ask you tough questions, lay out a manageable plan of action, adjust for setbacks, celebrate the milestones and eventually set you on a path towards maintaining your new lifestyle.
I teach you to “do” rather than to “plan”. I show you how there’s no magic bin that will suddenly make your home clutter-free and organized, just like there’s no magic pill that will suddenly make you lean and toned. I’ll hold you accountable so you can make the right decisions based on your needs and goals instead of your memories and emotions.
Are you ready to get started?