How to Live Peacefully with Your Messy Partner

Check out the recent Redfin article I was featured in:

Experts Share Relationship-Saving Advice on How to Live Peacefully With Your Messy Partner

Opposites attract - or so they say. While couples with opposite interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes can complement each other, a common cause of disagreements can be linked to one source: home organization. Just as one person can be inherently tidier, so can one be more laid-back. If you and your partner both struggle with keeping your space clean, you may be stressed out by the mess and feel unsure about how to communicate about the clutter. So if you find yourself frantically searching through countless articles online on how to live peacefully with your messy partner, rest assured that you’re not alone.

To help you get started, Redfin reached out to us and other experts for our advice on minimizing the friction of living with a messy partner. Keep your home tidy and your partnership solid with these helpful tips for decluttering and communicating.

If you just want my tip, here it is: “If it’s financially possible, I highly suggest that couples get rid of their own belongings and buy new items together before moving in. The fewer “their” and “my” items in the home, the better. One of the most important areas to do this is in the kitchen, where they’ll want only what they need to cook efficiently.”

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