Organize with Brittany

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Organize to Avoid Vacation Exhaustion

How many times have you come home from vacation and been utterly exhausted when you return to work the next day? Shouldn’t you feel rejuvenated instead? I love to travel but I’ve learned the hard way that I need to be organized before I leave so I can actually function when I head back to work.

  1. Follow a packing list - write a packing list for the different types of trips you take. You won’t stress about forgetting something, you’ll know what you need to pick up at the store before they close and you’ll get some sleep because you’re all set to go. Email me if you’d like to see mine! I have one for tent camping, all-inclusive resorts and the beach. They’re even organized by category with color coding!

  2. Get the house in order before you leave - make your bed, take the trash out, do your laundry and dishes, put everything away. When you come home from that gorgeously decorated hotel you’ll be relieved that your home looks just as welcoming and clutter free.

  3. Be prepared for your first day back - create a meal plan and get the ingredients, lay out your clothes, check your calendar for appointments and set reminders for yourself. You won’t be starving and stressing about what to wear after you just enjoyed those all-inclusive buffets and the freedom to live in your resort clothes for a week.

  4. Settle back in - don’t book the latest flight home, unpack and do a load of laundry, scan your mail to make sure there’s nothing you need to take care of right away. You’ll be able to go to bed knowing that your personal life is back in order and you can focus on your professional life the next day.

  5. Enjoy your vacation. Don’t worry about cluttered closets, disorganized pantries, packed attics, stuffed garages or overflowing drawers. You can take care of those with my help when you get back!

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