Organize with Brittany

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Prepare to Get Organized

In order to maximize efficiency in your organizing session, you’ll want to prepare ahead of time! Don’t fret, though. You can still declutter and organize if you don’t get around to the below suggestions, just as long as you’ve prepared yourself mentally for the task! All it really takes is your determination to do something, anything, towards getting organized.  

What to prepare:

  • Get a good night’s sleep

  • Have lots of water/your choice of caffeine available

  • Have your meals prepped and snacks handy

  • Arrange for childcare/petcare

  • Clear your calendar and silence your notifications

  • Discuss your goals ahead of time if family members are helping

  • Wash and dry all dishes if you’re organizing in the kitchen

  • Wash and dry all clothes and linens if you’re organizing closets

Items you may need:

  • Label maker

  • Labels

  • Folders

  • Paper shredder

  • Zip ties

  • Garbage bags

  • Bins

  • Boxes

  • Permanent markers

  • Pens and paper

  • 3 x 5 cards/Post It Notes

  • Scissors

  • Box cutter

  • Scotch tape

  • Packing tape

  • Bubble wrap

  • Measuring tape

  • Pencil

  • Level

  • Cleaning supplies – vacuum/broom/dustpan/rags/cleaning solutions/drying cloths/paper towels

  • Rubber gloves

  • Heavy duty gloves

  • Step ladder

  • Flashlight

  • Music/audiobooks/podcasts

  • Tables

  • Truck or trailer

Organized tools in Reidville SC