Organize with Brittany

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Interview: The Effects of Being Organized

I had a high schooler reach out to me over the weekend to interview me for a school project. It brought back memories of the many times I had to do the same in high school and college and the frustration of not easily finding professionals who would answer me! I vowed then to answer those who asked questions of me and I am so happy to say that I always follow through. Here are the questions and answers… mind you, I answered them at 6am after returning from an out of state wedding!

Q- How does organizing help you and other people?

A- Me: I can be very spontaneous because I know what’s on my schedule, I know my bills are paid, I know my laundry is done and put away, etc. I don’t have to worry about missing something important and I’m able to fully enjoy my downtime.

A- Others: It saves them time because they don’t have to look for lost items. (Supposedly Americans spend more than an hour each day looking for things in their homes). It saves them money because things like food and makeup aren’t going to waste because they’re forgotten about and expire. It saves their pride because they’re not embarrassed to have people come into their homes. It saves their relationships with others in the home that don’t/can’t live in an unorganized space. It saves their family a lot of work when they pass and have to clear out their homes.

Q- What's your fastest and easiest way to start and stay organized?

A- This can go a few different ways. No matter what, the best thing to do for anyone is to completely clear out the space they’re working on. Some people need to start with a drawer, some a whole dresser or a whole closet and others a whole room at a time. I take everything out and put it on the floor, bed, furniture, out in the hallway, in another room - as far as I need to spread the items. They need to see their things in a different space to be able to actually notice them and make a decision about keeping or getting rid of it. If they keep it, they also need to decide if it should still live in that space or be moved to another drawer, closet or room.

A- The easiest way to maintain an organization system is to live with only what you need and love. Having excess will eventually lead to disorganization again because not everything will have a purpose or its own space. I have a personal rule and suggest similar rules for my clients - when you buy one item (not food, deodorant, medicine types) you get rid of two similar items. So, a new piece of jewelry comes in and two pieces of old jewelry go out. Once your home gets very well organized and essentially minimized, you no longer have to follow that rule because you’re so less likely to bring in things you don’t need or love anyway.

Q- What are some challenges you faced?

A- Working with emotions and OCDs. A lot of my clients are divorcées, widows, suffer from depression and/or suffer from OCDs. They are very emotional and/or paralyzed by the thought of getting started getting rid of things and getting organized but on the other hand, they need it so badly in order to move on that they seek help (or their family seeks it for them). I end up playing “therapist” during my sessions and have to change my process for each different client to make it work for them specifically. Sometimes I have to change the process from day-to-day for them too because they’re in a different place mentally each session.

Q- What are your tips for a younger crowd? (group of 14-15 year olds)

A- Learn everything you can about finances and homeownership. Understanding banking, credit, paychecks, taxes, retirement funding, paying bills and having savings will help prevent overbuying and therefore disorganization. It’s also important to learn time management and household skills like cooking, cleaning, laundry, yard work, car care and general maintenance to help prepare yourself for taking care of an entire apartment or home rather than just the bedroom you may or may not be responsible for right now.

A- As far as organization specifically... if you’re not good at it ask a friend or family member who is good at it to help you get started and help you maintain it until you feel like you’ve gotten the hang of it! An organized space will make you proud and efficient!

Organized Office in Moore SC