Organize with Brittany

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Start Personalizing Your Organizing System

When you hear people mention “organizing systems” this is what it really comes down to: self-discipline! Everyone can do it, but you need to customize your “system” to fit your own lifestyle, tweak what doesn’t work and keep practicing until it all becomes a natural habit or routine.

Some of the biggest problems I see in homes are mail, laundry, dishes, trash, recycling and donations piling up into massive endeavors. So, let’s explore some of the ways you may be able to tame these beasts and then easily maintain order in those areas going forward.

Mail- open mail daily upon your return from work, picking up your kids or going to the gym (whenever you have 10 minutes to dedicate to the task). Stand at your trash and recycling bin while doing so and immediately eliminate anything that doesn’t require follow up. I like to do that part in my garage! Pay bills, RSVP to events and file papers right away.

Laundry- dedicate a day and time (maybe even a family member) to one laundry type per day for as many loads as you typically have during a given week. For example, you wash sheets on Monday mornings, your spouse washes towels on Tuesday evenings, your kids wash their clothes and uniforms on Wednesday afternoons and your housekeeper washes your clothes on Thursdays. Ta-Da! No Sunday night scrambling laundry marathons anymore.

Dishes- Bite the bullet and do your dishes after every single meal. Whether that means you’re rinsing them and putting them in the dishwasher or handwashing, drip drying and then putting them away later, don’t let dirty dishes pile up. It’s just not sanitary. If you absolutely cannot spare 5 minutes per meal to stay on top of this, then start using disposables when necessary.

Trash/Recycling- Put your trash and recycling in appropriate containers (cans) as soon as you’ve identified it as such. Do not let bags of trash and piles of loose recycling items sit on your kitchen floor or in your garage with the intent of putting it out for the next pick up. If you have too much of either category to fit in your can(s), make a quick run to the dump or recycling center. Again, it’s just not sanitary. This is likely something you can tack onto any other errand run.

Donations- create a dedicated donation box near the entryway you use most often. As soon as the box is full of donations collected over time, load it into the front seat of your car and then take it to the nearest donation center right away. Don’t make this complicated by splitting up donations to go to different places and don’t put it in your trunk where it may ride around for months doing no one any good.  

Here's what some of my routines look like:

Mondays – wash sheets; gym; recycling center; dry sheets; work; make fresh bed; lunch prep and dishes/mail

Tuesdays – wash towels; gym; dry towels; work; fold towels; lunch prep and dishes/mail

Wednesdays – donation center; gym; work; lunch prep and dishes/mail; wash and dry my clothes

Thursdays – gym; work; lunch prep and dishes/mail; put away my clothes; husband washes and dries his clothes

Fridays – put trash out; gym; groceries; work; dishes/mail

Saturdays – fun

Sundays – meal prep; wash, dry and put away clothes


What will your routines look like? If you need help setting them up please reach out to me. I’d love to brainstorm with you.