Organize with Brittany

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Establish Your Own Purging Rules

Growing up as an Army Brat had innumerable benefits but one of the longest lasting ones was learning the value of having less “stuff” and more “experiences.” Since we moved about every two years it was important that we didn’t have a lot of extras to move around with us. On top of that, we traveled so much we didn’t necessarily need things at home to keep us entertained. Now, I also understand that I don’t have to spend extra time and energy stressing about where and how to store items in my own home. For that, I am very appreciative because I can spend minimal time taking care of things around the house and spend time making memories experiencing what the world has to offer.

1-In-2-Out Rule

There was a very simple rule I learned from my uncle along the way. Whenever he brings one new non-essential item into his home he gets rid of two non-essential items. I call it the “1-in-2-out” rule and encourage all of my clients to adapt some kind of similar rule for themselves. Once you get to a certain point, you don’t necessarily need to continue with your own rule but you can always go back to the practice if you notice clutter building again.

My Personal Purging Rule

I’ve adapted mine so that I sell something I want to replace or upgrade before I buy the new version. Otherwise, I no longer have the need to get rid of anything just because I bring something new in since I’ve narrowed my belongings down to only what I truly need and love.

Getting Started with Purging

If you need to purge lots of items you can start with say a “1-in-20-out” rule and then adjust it down after 6 months or a year, depending on how much clutter is left in your home. It’s amazing how much you can get rid of if you choose to go at it piece by piece.

Purging Tips

Other “rule” ideas are:

  • turning your hangers backward in your closet and getting rid of clothes after a specified amount of time if they are still turned the wrong way

  • setting items you feel guilty about getting rid of in a box or bin for a specified amount of time before you actually sell, donate or discard them to make sure you’re comfortable with the decision by the time your personal deadline arrives

What will your rule be?

Clutter Free Boy's Room in Woodruff SC